The organization of the French registry of SUDI is based on a close collaboration at both national and local levels between the participating refererral centers, ANCReMIN (National Association of Reference Centers for Unexpected Death in Infancy), the Clinical Investigation Center for Women, Children and Adolescents of the Nantes University Hospital and the Nantes University Hospital:
- Institutional support of the registry of SUDI (responsible institution): Nantes University Hospital
- Coordination/steering support of the registry of SUDI: Clinical Investigation Center for Women, Children and Adolescents of the Nantes University Hospital and ANCReMIN
- Methodological support for epidemiological research: Clinical Investigation Center for Women, Children and Adolescents of Nantes and the EPOPé Inserm U 1153 team of the Epidemiology and Statistics Research Center of Sorbonne Paris Cité.
All the partners are represented on a steering committee responsible for the good governance of registry of SUDI. A scientific council has also been created.
This organization is built around a consortium agreement that defines the terms of collaboration and the contribution of each partner.
The procedures with the Commission Nationale Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) and with the Nantes group of ethics in the field of health (GNEDS) have been carried out and the authorizations obtained.

From left to right: Dr Karine levieux (Coordinatrice médical nationale), Mrs Sophie de Visme (Data-manager), Mrs Pauline Scherdel (épidémiologiste), Pr Christèle Gras Le Guen (coordinatrice scientifique), Mrs Anne Chauviré-Drouard (reponsable du CIC-FEA), Mrs Géraldine Gallot (Responsable du CRB de Nantes), Mrs Mathilde Berthome (Ingénieur du CRB de Nantes), Mrs Léa Ferrand (Chef de projet), Mrs Mathilde Ducloyer (Médecin légiste référent)