Data from the French registry of SUDI allowed us to establish an initial overview of the MIN rate in France based on censuses conducted over a 5-year period (2016-2020).
– the shaded areas “no cases recorded” correspond to the absence of census in the registry of cases of SUDI for the geographical area concerned. This does not necessarily mean that no cases have occurred.
– Data collection is not complete in all departments. Therefore, the rates of SUDI may be underestimated in some of them.

Cases of SUDI* identified by the reference centers between May 2015 and December 2021
The reference centers have joined the French registry of SUDI as their capacities increased. Thus, the Lille and La Martinique centers have begun their inclusions in 2021.
*SUDI : Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy

Age at death of SUDI* (May 2015-December 2021).
Median age is 3.9 months. ¾ of SUDI occur within the first 6 months.
* SUDI : Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy