At the end of 2023, Nantes University Hospital obtained funding from Mutuelles AXA to carry out large-scale research using data and samples from the OMIN registry.
The aim of this research project, entitled BIOMINRISK, is to identify new biological markers SUDI for a better understanding of its mechanisms along three axes: genetic, neurobiological and radio-anatomical. To this end, data and samples from 250 children who have died of SUDI and 500 controls will be studied in this research coordinated by Dr Fleur LORTON, a pediatrician at the CHU’s Pediatric Emergency Department.
To date, 15 French university hospitals have agreed to take part in the study: Nantes (coordinating center), Jean-Verdier (AP-HP), Antoine Béclère (AP-HP), Marseille, Rouen, Montpellier, Lyon, Brest, Saint-Etienne, Toulouse, Besançon, Amiens, Angers, Grenoble and Nancy.
All regulatory approvals have been obtained, and the first installations began in April 2024.
Ultimately, BIOMINRISK aims to reduce the number of avoidable deaths linked to SUDI in France, and in other countries, through personalized prevention actions made possible by these new biomarkers.
Regular updates will be provided on the progress of this project.